22% of the school population has a learning or processing difficulty which makes it difficult for young people to access their education.
The Empowered Learning Trust have been working with schools to identify any students who are affected by dyslexia or other learning difficulties, and providing schools with information to support these students.
Staff from Empowered Learning may visit schools and using validated software, they screen children for learning difficulties as well as areas of strength. Information gathered using the software is used by school staff to make the necessary adjustments to the learning environment for each child.

Since 2015, we have used Lucid Software to screen young people from age 8 to 18 years.
We have screened whole year groups with Lucid Rapid and Lucid Ability to determine how many students may potentially have a learning difficulty in that year group to help the school plan for support.
Lucid Lass and Lucid Exact have been used to provide more information for Special Assessment Conditions applications.
The information gathered from the screening software will be used by the college SENCO to put in place Individual Education Plans, apply for Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for students if necessary, and some students will be referred on for further psychometric testing.